A crazy ambulance driver on his way to save one person injures eight pedestrians standing on the side of the street.

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Human body trapped under the car

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Arden Fire Rescue 03/29/2011 44 deg light rain wet roads paged at approx 0816 first units on scene approx 0819 2 Car MVA off set head on 3 pt on scene 4 HD Dash Cams and 1 FC 2 helmet cam plus still shots at 73 first out . the time stamps where wrong on ATTACK 73 and Rescue 71 both have been fixed again. this type of car crash is what we see a lot of here AT 73 first out , fire units at scene

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Last night at approximently 11:00 pm a person driving down Kansas Rd. ran through a guard rail and a fence where Kansas turns into 8th Street and flipped their car onto the railroad tracks that run between 9th and 8th streets in Downtown Modesto, California.

The driver fled on foot before Modesto Police arrived.

Due to the fast response and work of the Modesto Police Depa

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You know the guy in the passenger seat of the rally car was backseat driving all the way up until the car speared the ground. "Slow down. Pull up. Don't you see the ground coming?"

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Newest BMW i8 prototype winter testing in Sweden.

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This guy rotates his tires every six thousand miles... no matter where he is.

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NEVER do this!

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Watch the video - Arabs driving SUV crash into car on icy road BMW X5

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Auto Accident - Avalanche Owns Car Video.

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Driffter driver tries to get away from police and crashes the car

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Truck Explosion

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