This music video parody proves Geek and Gamer Girls really do exist. Extra geek cred for appearances by a rapping Seth Green, Battlestar Galactica's Katee Sackhoff and Stan Lee.

Vote : 10 Category : Funny Videos

3d sidewalk chalk art

Vote : 8 Category : Jokes and Fun

Dogs... Love.... Food.

Vote : 7 Category : Jokes and Fun

Cool realistic robot, looks so real. The guy controls it by moving I think, it seems to have a variety of differentt abilities, it can talk as well.

Vote : 7 Category : Science & Technology

ack and Geoff take a look at the newest class-based shooter "Brink" from Bethesda. Check out some gameplay and a few of the cooler achievements.

Vote : 5 Category : Games & Flash Games

I don't know if the axe he's using is all that special, but he sure makes efficient (German) use of it.
On balance it's probably the elastic band that is key here.
Source: German Lumberjack , Liveleak.

Vote : 5 Category : Funny Videos

Details about the flight, achieved one day later than planned and away from the media spotlight, were announced by Rossy's publicity handlers on Tuesday, after reported the successful completion of the stunt based on confirmation from two people close to the event.

Vote : 5 Category : Science & Technology

A clip from a TV show called "Without Prejudice?" which was on GSN a couple of years ago. l think this video will help people to start an important dialog. ***** UPDATE E-MAIL FROM MICHAEL (Contestant on the show): Awesome man. This is so random but i am so glad you put this up. Folks are talking. The show won awards in the UK and so they made a US version. This was the pilot episode and the m

Vote : 3 Category : People & Blogs

We make a creation in the kitchen. A mother's day special for all the mothers!

Vote : 2 Category : Jokes and Fun

Newly released videos show Osama bin Laden inside his hideout, watching himself on television and rehearsing for propaganda videos. The clips were selected by the Pentagon from what it says it seized from bin Laden's compound. (May 7)

Vote : 1 Category : News & Politics

Fly the friendly skies? Not until after TSA agents have peered at your sexy parts. After body scanners, the TSA goes to a new extreme to prevent terrorism. Body scanners are old news. Dick scanners are the new normal.

Vote : 2 Category : Jokes and Fun

Fly the friendly skies? Not until after TSA agents have peered at your sexy parts. After body scanners, the TSA goes to a new extreme to prevent terrorism. Body scanners are old news. Dick scanners are the new normal.

Vote : 2 Category : Jokes and Fun

With one truly amazing point scored on a behind-the-back shot, this ping pong pro became the closest thing the sport has to a Michael Jordan (at least that's what he tells himself).

Vote : 1 Category : Sports

cat fell out with his own paws

Vote : 1 Category : Pets & Animals

20 GBC modules. 4 modules(screw,sweeper,shovel,pump) based on Philo's . The module at 5:24 based on Isogawa's. The pneumatic module at 7:00 using Linmix's image. Some other modules being inspired by GBC fan's.

Vote : 1 Category : Science & Technology

These guys load a potato gun full of their pubes and blast it onto their sleeping friend's face. You know you're good friends when there's nothing you won't share.

Vote : 1 Category : Jokes and Fun

This train can get you from New York to LA in 45 minutes, but don't bring any luggage.

Vote : 1 Category : Jokes and Fun

Dude pulls a sweet backflip during a penalty kick. Wait, did soccer just get cool? Ugh, I feel so Un-American.

Vote : 1 Category : Jokes and Fun

Aww, the dog is helping tell the story of the babies' birth!

Vote : 1 Category : Jokes and Fun

This video is what unconditional love looks like. A welcome home has never been this precious.

Vote : 1 Category : Jokes and Fun







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