DreamWorks Animation Reveals Release Slate Through 2014 - DreamWorks Animation has decided to let us in on their theatrical plans for the next three years. The studio has announced their release schedule that's booked all the way up to 2014, and features several anticipated tentpoles. Some of the notable films on the list include the Shrek spin-off Puss in Boots, How to Train Our Dragon 2, and the Robert Downey Jr. voiced Mr. Peabody & Sherman. Check out the roster…

Here’s the schedule:

May 26, 2011: Kung Fu Panda 2

Nov. 4, 2011: Puss In Boots (Chris Miller director; Joe Aguilar and Latifa Ouaou, producers)

June 8, 2012: Madagascar 3 (Eric Darnell, director; Mireille Soria and Mark Swift, producers)

Nov. 21, 2012: Rise of the Guardians (Peter Ramsey, director, William Joyce, co-director; Christina Steinberg and Nancy Bernstein, producers)

March 1, 2013: The Croods (Chris Sanders and Kirk DeMicco, directors; Kristine Belson and Jane Hartwell, producers)

June 7, 2013: Turbo (David Soren, director; Lisa Stewart, producer)

Nov. 8, 2013: Me and My Shadow (Mark Dindal, director; Melissa Cobb and Teresa Cheng, producer)

March 21, 2014: Mr. Peabody & Sherman (Rob Minkoff, director; Jason Clark and Denise Nolan Cascino, producers)

June 20, 2014:How to Train Your Dragon 2 (Dean DeBlois, director; Bonnie Arnold, producer)

We forgot all about Madagascar 3! Granted we love the franchise, but the fact that a third one was on the horizon completely slipped our minds. In terms of the non-sequel projects, we’re interested in seeing Mr. Peabody & Sherman. Anything with Robert Downey Jr. deserves a little bit of attention.

As for everything else, meh. What do you think?

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