Arden Fire Rescue 03/29/2011 44 deg light rain wet roads paged at approx 0816 first units on scene approx 0819 2 Car MVA off set head on 3 pt on scene 4 HD Dash Cams and 1 FC 2 helmet cam plus still shots at 73 first out . the time stamps where wrong on ATTACK 73 and Rescue 71 both have been fixed again. this type of car crash is what we see a lot of here AT 73 first out , fire units at scene

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Last night at approximently 11:00 pm a person driving down Kansas Rd. ran through a guard rail and a fence where Kansas turns into 8th Street and flipped their car onto the railroad tracks that run between 9th and 8th streets in Downtown Modesto, California.

The driver fled on foot before Modesto Police arrived.

Due to the fast response and work of the Modesto Police Depa

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From the world famous 'The Jump Off' events in London, UK.

Documentary maker Hardeep thought he'd come to Jump Off to report on the connection between Booty Shaking and Sex in his Channel 4 documentary Hardeep Does Sex. You know we had to give him that 1st class, front row seat so he could get a good taste!

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The cop tells her to start the alphabet at 'D' and end with 'W'. When she failed to make it he added an 'I'.

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The only explanation I can come up with for this is that you reach a certain age and you start looking for ways to die.

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This is a best ever video 2011 of twin baby boys having a conversation :) Like/Share :)

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I am now fully prepared to state that India's traffic is the worst in the world. The Wall of Death has actually been around forever, but in the past only motorcycles rode the wall.

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This cute dog all ways wanted to be a part of the stuffed animals crew and here is the dog chance

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This Video is for non-profit, entertainment/comedic purposes only.
I added various pictures and gifs I found from youtube and google (I do not own rights to these either)

MUSIC VIDEO FROM: Ark Music Factory
SONG COPYRIGHT BY: â„— 2011 Rebecca Black

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Why didn't they try this sooner? It looks like the empire and the Jedi rebellion are settling their differences on the court.

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Apparently being seen hanging around Fat Ho's is way more acceptable in Waco, Tx, than in most parts of the country.

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Well I didn't make it to 3000...but I came close...

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Five videos of people getting pwned by Mother Nature. Seriously, what's her problem?

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Don't worry; everything is going to be ok. They're going to be able to salvage the shed and use it again. There's no hope, however, for the kid's brain.

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A lake creates a perfect mirror image of the mountains and sky, and it's captured on camera by this guy only to have girlfriend hop in the frame. Jeez, women. Anywhere there's a mirror, am I right?

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Ain't Gonna Pee Pee My Bed Tonight Song

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Tanner plays with basketball, bounces on nose like a seal. He will do this all day!



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Two prospective Eagle Scouts explain how they are preventing breast cancer by helping women examine their breasts.

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Twelve year old kid makes some insanely difficult beer pong shots around his house.

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I found the snooze button. It's his friend's face. And you push it with your fist.

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